in the light wind.... version 1.1 (11/10/2006)
partly version 2.0 (02/14/2002)
about "in the light wind...."
(in Japanese,partly English)
notice for browsing on these pages.
return to root index of 2nd Ave.
talk of extention to myself with some pictures
(update in 03 October 2011 in Japanese)
little gardener
I bring up the tiny garden
(update in 29 June 2016 in Japanese)
nearest event reports with some pictures
(update in 13 August 2022 in Japanese)
sounds (temporary title)
(added in 8 June 2005 in Japanese)
shelf for keeping for primal contents
(moved in 29 March 2007 in English on little part of contents)
domestic side from A.R.W.
required Japanese enabled environment and monospaced DBCS font.
(directly disignation to "MS mincho" in these pages)
≫ Partial Copyrights, Jyako Aisyou 1987 , 1998 - 2000 ,
atatae meya 2000 - 2022 Allrights Reserved.